Sunday, March 9, 2014

wake up its over first look

As a part of my senior thesis, I am creating a visual documentation of the research I completed this summer. I had the pleasure of interviewing and photographing punk bands across the country. My thesis focuses on the changing status of punk as a subculture over time and draws evidence from artifacts presented in the visual document. 

I am currently in the process of completing and printing this 60 page document of interviews and photographs. Hopefully I will be able to make copies available on a broad scale in the near future. 

Special thanks to all of the bands who participated: Places We Slept, Solid Attitude, PC Worship, Shivering Brigade, Condominium, Brain Tumors, Merchandise, G.Green, Mike Donovan, and Milk Music. 

 Wake Up, It's Over, pages 1, 14, 15, 23